Holy mackeral! We’ve been so busy receiving stock from our various suppliers since late last week, we’re only NOW able to tell you about it! Lots of restock of great games, but we also received a whole batch of new ones that you need to check out.
First off, the NEW STUFF.
If you follow Wil Wheaton’s TABLETOP interweb show, you’ll recognize this game: Takenoko!

Here’s what boardgamegeek.com has to say about it:
A long time ago at the Japanese Imperial court, the Chinese Emperor offered a giant panda bear as a symbol of peace to the Japanese Emperor. Since then, the Japanese Emperor has entrusted his court members (the players) with the difficult task of caring for the animal by tending to his bamboo garden. In Takenoko, the players will cultivate land plots, irrigate them, and grow one of the three species of bamboo (Green, Yellow, and Pink) with the help of the Imperial gardener to maintain this bamboo garden. They will have to bear with the immoderate hunger of this sacred animal for the juicy and tender bamboo. The player who manages his land plots best, growing the most bamboo while feeding the delicate appetite of the panda, will win the game.
We’ve also brought in two award-winning Z-man games: Asante and Targri. Both are designed for 2-players, for which we get a lot of requests.

Other NEW games include:
Both Fortune & Glory expansions: Treasure Hunters and Rise of the Crimson Hand; Dungeon Twister the card game; a few expansion tracks for Formula D (Circuits 1, 3 and 4); a nifty looking game about ninjas called Ninjato; a family dice game called Zooloretto, a card game called The King’s Command, a recently popular manic real-time game called Escape: The Curse of the Temple, a mysterious game called Room 25, and a beautifully illustrated cardgame based on Alice in Wonderland called Parade.

Our restock of popular games include:
Carcassonne (and all available expansions); Ticket to Ride (basic, Euro, Nederlands, Marklan, Asia); Saboteur (1 and 2); A bunch of X-Wing miniatures ships; a bunch of Star Trek Attack Wing ships; SmallWorld; Mage Wars; Android Netrunner data packs (a whole schwack of them, except the new one, True Colors, which we should get in soon); 7 Wonders; Fiasco; The Resistance; Dead Panic (it’s awesome!); Cthulhu Gloom; Battlestar Galactica (and its expansions); Ultimate Werewolf; Cosmic Encounters; Dungeon Fighter; King of Tokyo; Fortune and Glory; Monty Python Fluxx; a bunch of Pathfinder books; Frag Gold Edition; and Hive!
So come drop by today, and pick up a new game!
Also in the store: a whole bunch of new surplus came in (bags, backpacks, pants, toques, gloves and balaclavas).