Hey, I mentioned on here last week that we carry a lot of good used games and miniatures. I’d like to highlight a few of them here for you. First off, some “end of the world” type RPGS!
In Nomine “is a role-playing game designed by Derek Pearcy and published in 1997 by Steve Jackson Games,based on the French game In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas. Players typically assume the role of angels and demons in a setting that draws heavily on the traditional Christian mythos. In Nomine won the Origins Award for Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or Supplement of 1997.” – from boardgamegeek.com. We’ve got the core book and a bunch of supplements for this game, so if you’ve wanted to try it out, now is the time!

Unknown Armies “is the roleplaying game of transcendental horror and furious action: Pulp Fiction meets Hellraiser. In Unknown Armies, players take the roles of movers and shakers in the occult underground, fighting a battle for the ultimate prize: ascension to a higher plane and a hand in creating the next incarnation of reality… Magickal adepts duke it out with gun-toting enforcers and weirdos of every stripe. Clockwork humans and plodding golems slip through the cracks of society. Entropics eat your memories and spit them back at you with poison added. Fringe groups like the Sect of the Naked Goddess, Mak Attax, The True Order of Saint-Germain, and the New Inquisition have all set their sights on the coming apocalypse and put their ante on the table. The only people you can trust are your friends are yourself, and you’re not always sure about yourself. It’s a pulp apocalypse, and the players have front-row seats for the steel-cage death match of all eternity.” – from boardgamegeek.com. We’ve got multiple copies of the core book, and a couple of supplements.

We’ve also got a couple of other apocalyptic games, such as Nephilim and The End.

On the other side of the crazy coin, we’ve got Over the Edge, “a surreal role-playing game of secrets and conspiracies, taking place on the mysterious Island of Al Amarja. It was created by Jonathan Tweet with Robin Laws, and published by Atlas Games. Over The Edge departed from the model of predefined character attributes and skills, in favour of player-chosen traits; and was among the first to be based on the dice pool, where the number of dice rolled, rather than how they are interpreted, is determined by the characters’ abilities.” We’ve got the core book, and plenty of supplements.

We also have the classic horror RPG Chill, again with plenty of supplements.

So why not drop on by today and browse our large collection of used games (rpgs, board games, miniatures), as well as our stock of new games, and surplus (new and used)!