Imagine Games at C4 this weekend!
Posted by Perry - 10/31/14
Hey folks, just an FYI, that the mighty volunteer game demo brigade will be at C4, Manitoba’s Central Canada Comic Convention all weekend! Drop by and say “hi” to Rick Neal, Nathan Beal and Imagine’s very own store monkey Perry Grosshans! Stay and play a game or two if you can, and pick up one of our nifty flyers (below) about our upcoming store events. Hope to see you there!

Posted in Misc
Khans of Tarkir GAME DAY, Oct 19
Posted by Perry - 10/9/14
October 19, 2014 |
4:00 pm | to | 7:00 pm |

The Khans of Tarkir Game Day is almost here!
$5 entry fee
Standard Constructed
Oct 19, 4:00pm
Everyone gets a full art promo card Heir of the Wilds
Top 8 get a foil full art promo Utter End (its shiny)
Winner gets a pretty playmat (Ooh exclusive)
This is an official sanctioned event, which means planeswalker points.
Rounds will be Swiss pairings with cut to Top 8.
Preregister today in-store to reserve your spot!
Posted in Events, Misc
EXIGENCE Book Release Event!
Posted by Perry - 10/9/14
November 8, 2014 |
12:00 pm | to | 5:00 pm |

It’s here! EXIGENCE!
And we’re celebrating with BATTLE!
When: Saturday, November 8, noon.
Fee: $5 to participate in the blood bath
Prizes: Hell yes! Metal coins!

Check out Privateer Press website HERE for details, and for the RULES.
You can preregister in-store if you wish, or show up the day of.
Posted in Events, Misc
Gothic Artwork and Photography of Ian Sokoliwski
Posted by Perry - 10/2/14
Are you familiar with Winnipeg artist and the Gothic Photography and Illustration of Ian Sokoliwski?
Imagine Games has carried Ian’s artwork and photography for years!

We have coloured prints for only $10, original sketches for $25, and his very first published graphic photo book “Strange Visitors“.

Come down and check out his artwork today!
Posted in Misc