MtG 2015 Core Set PreRelease Event!!
Posted by Perry - 06/26/14
July 13, 2014 |
6:00 pm | to | 8:00 pm |
It’s coming, and you need to be prepared - the 2015 Core Set for Magic!
We’re holding a special prerelease event with prizes, food and fun!

When: Sunday, July 13, 6:00pm
Registration: $30

Drop on by the store and preregister your spot today, or drop on by on that Sunday.
If we get 12+ people, we’ll order in Pizza! (and we’re 100% sure we will).
See you there! And bring your warface…

Posted in Events
Who’s the BOSS?
Posted by Perry - 06/10/14
June 21, 2014 |
12:00 pm | to | 5:00 pm |

Warmachine/Hordes, “Who’s the Boss” battle!
Which warcaster will you use? Will they be a help, or a hindrance?!
When: Saturday, June 21, 12 noon
Where: Right Here silly! At Imagine Games & Hobbies!
Size: 35 pts
Entrance Fee: $5
Check out our Facebook Event Page here for more information about the event construction.
Contact Mike Haire at [email protected] with any questions.
(please put “Who’s the Boss Question” in the Subject line)
Also, keep your eyes here on this website, and our Facebook page, for updates.
Show them who’s boss on June 21.

Posted in Events, Misc